lundi 10 novembre 2014

The benefits of trans resveratrol

If you ever watch television, chances are you have heard all about resveratrol and its related form, trans resveratrol. There are a lot stories hailing its benefits such as its ability to fight cancer and its role in the so-called French paradox. The French paradox, if you are not aware, is that despite having a diet high in fat, the French do not have very high rates of heart disease. One reason is that they drink a lot of red wine which contains, you guessed it, resveratrol. The primary benefit of this miracle compound are its anti-aging properties. Some even refer to this chemical as the fountain of youth. You can use to increase your level of energy, as an anti-inflammatory, to lower your blood sugar, and even to extend your life span… or so the thinking goes. The clinical trials for its benefits on humans are not very strong, but many people swear by this product already.

What is trans resveratrol?

The anti-aging properties of resveratrol are thought lie with trans resveratrol, which is the active form that is found in the stems and skin of grapes that produce red wine. This part of the compound only remains active when it is protected by the sun and sheltered from light and oxygen. If it is taken in a pure state, studies show that it can activate the gene that enchances the productivity of cells, thereby increasing your life expectancy. This product also interacts with bone metabolism and has anti-cancer properties. It is even thought to have a restrictive effect on calories. All in all, it is supposed to increase your daily energy and make you feel better about life in general.

Sources of trans resveratrol

Most people assume that red wine is the best source of resveratrol and of trans resveratrol. The evidence for that comes from observing the French, who as mentioned above are healthier than they should be relative to their diet. This has spawned the market for what is known as the red wine pill, which is supposed to give you the benefits of lots of bottles of wine in one pill. You can also get resveratrol from pomegranates, or more specifically, pomegranate juice. But taking it in pomegranate form is not associated with any anti-aging properties.

Other ways to get trans resveratrol

You can also get resveratrol from Japanese knotwood root, if you can find that. You will probably have to go to some high end health food store, and if you live in a small town you are unlikely to find it. Just the same, it is thought to have anti-aging properties. The most tasty way to consume resveratrol is to eat lots of berries. You can have all the blueberries and raspberries you want. They do not have too much resveratrol, but they have some. Peanuts are also a good source. In fact, peanuts have the highest naturally occurring concentration of this compound. No matter how you take it, there are a lot of people who really believe in this substance. If you want to find the fountain of youth, this may be the closest you will get.

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